About Us

What We Do

As an ex-smoker who struggled to quit, I know firsthand how challenging it can be to overcome nicotine addiction. I explored various quitting methods and found that most focus solely on the physical addiction, neglecting the psychological factors that cause continuous relapse.

Even if you manage to get through the initial weeks, months, or even years, without addressing the psychological triggers, there’s always a risk of relapsing and becoming a smoker again.

At Breathe Easy Hypnosis, we’ve dedicated years to researching and understanding the true roots of smoking addiction. Through extensive interviews with smokers and studies of the most effective quitting techniques, we’ve developed a method that tackles the psychological addiction head-on. This ensures that you can become a non-smoker quickly, reliably, and without the constant fear of relapse.

We pride ourselves on having one of the best methods for quitting smoking, helping you achieve lasting freedom from nicotine.

Who Am I?

Quitting Smoking Specialist, Hypnotherapist & COACH

Steven Holmes, CHt.

Registered hypnotherapist with the American Board of Hypnotherapists, holds a bachelors degree in Psychology from the University of Carleton University, and Ex-Smoker.

For the past ten years I have been dedicated to helping people all over the world quit smoking and live happier, healthier lives. I have also helped people with anxiety, performance, relationships, etc.

Life-Changing Transformations


Freedom at Last After just a few sessions with Steven, I finally broke free from smoking. I feel amazing.


Happy Customer

Amazing Results

Life-Changing Stevenʼs approach is truly life-changing. I never thought I could quit, but here I am, smoke-free and loving it!


Satisfied Client

Empowering Experience

Newfound Freedom Working with Steven has been an empowering experience. I feel free from the hold smoking had on me and itʼs all thanks to him.


Grateful Client

Ready to Quit?